Welcome to Northwest College Computing Services. Computing Services manages the upgrading, repairing, and maintenance of over 1500 computers and printers as well as the network linking them. Computing Services also manages the Northwest telephone system and your accounts on the MyNWC College Portal.
If you have any questions or need assistance please use the Help Desk system to submit a ticket or send us an email. Computing Services is located in the Moyer Building directly east of the Orendorff Building.
Computing Services
Moyer Building
Phone: 307-754-6080
Important Documents & Disclosures
Login Info
User Names
If your name is John Smith, your User Name would be john.smith (lowercase). Be sure you use the same name you used when you applied for admission to Northwest (no nicknames).
New User
If this is the first time you have accessed MyNWC, you need to activate your account. Please keep in mind it could take up to 12 hours after your registration for your account to be ready for activation. To activate your account, you will need your NWC ID number and Verification Code received in the email sent to the email address provided with your application.
*If you have not received your NWC ID in an email (or can't find the email), you will need to call Computing Services at 754-6080 for assistance.
Returning User
To log in to the MyNWC college portal, put your firstname.lastname in the "User Name" box and your password in the "Password" box. Your initial password will be the one you created when you activated your account.
Forgot how to log in?
Reset your username or password online or contact the Help Desk at 307-754-6080.
Note: For better security of your personal data when you are finished, you should always log out of MyNWC to close your session.
Guest & Visitor Accounts
Network Accounts
Northwest College believes that all use of its network, including access to internet resources, must be traceable to a named-user. Anonymous access to the network is not allowed. Information Security best practices call for the ability to associate network traffic with individual users in conjunction with federal law, or the ability to gather information on potentially illegal activity.
Guest & Visitor Accounts
Guests of the College, including employees or students from other campuses, may utilize Internet access through a self-registration process for 7 days from any personal device. Anyone wishing to utilize a Northwest College device with limited secured network access must request an account from a Campus Sponsor. A Campus Sponsor is defined as a full-time employee of the college.